Thursday, April 16, 2009


I was taken aback recently by a YouTube video that has become quite popular. If you haven't seen it, you must! It is Britain's own, Susan Boyle. She auditioned for the show Britain's Got Talent, an American Idol type of talent competition. What is so wonderful about Susan? Well, she is completely unexpected! She looks nothing like a star. She is completely ordinary,and a ripe old 47! Dressed modestly, she looks like she could be a school teacher. Her looks are plain, and some may even say she is homely. She's even unemployed! Susan made outlandish claims about herself, and what it was she was there to do. Her intent was to be a star, and she admitted it on television. The crowd roared when she stepped forward. Shy, yet confident. Hopeful, yet horrified. She answered even Simon Cowell's questions with sureness. Who did this woman think she was? How dare she step forward and present herself as one to be taken seriously! Then, after the ridicule, cue the music. Out of her mouth came the sweetest sound! It was completely unexpected, and absolutely beautiful!
Watching the video brought me to tears, and caused me to wonder what it was about this woman that stirred the hearts of so many people. Then a scripture from Isaiah 53 popped in my mind. A truth that went down deep, and reminded me of the beauty of my Savior. Isaiah says, "He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to Him, nothing in His appearance that we should desire Him." I think we often forget that the Lord was not physically "beautiful". There was nothing about his appearance that would have caused us to take a second look. There are many portraits of Christ, most of them portray him as pleasing to look at. After all, who wants a portrait of an ugly savior hanging on the living room wall? But Isaiah's description isn't so appealing. He was God with us. He made claims about himself that even his own family didn't believe! He was completely unexpected! He was spectacular wrapped in plain and ordinary, and a lot of people didn't perceive him.
Susan Boyle brought me to tears because she reminded me what true beauty is. She reminded me that God did and still does, the unexpected.

Link to Video:

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Meet My Kids Part 6

6th Born:
Megan Kelly

September 30, 1995

Poor Megan! Being the last of six, has proven to be a difficult position! Megan is reaping both the benefits, and the consequences of her birth order! Her name was easy. We just plain loved it! While I was pregnant with her, I wanted another girl really bad. So bad, that I was asking myself how I would deal with the disappointment of having another boy! I knew she would be our last, and I wanted another girl before I called it quits. I mentioned in my last post that I thought Taylor was our last baby, but, as the Lord would have it, we conceived again, and I was not exactly happy about it. I was just getting to an age with Taylor, where he was not needing me as much, and there was a little glimmer at the end of my toddler tunnel! I was looking forward to a little freedom. Freedom from diapers, and sleepless nights, and the constant care a baby requires. So, when the news came that we were going to have another baby, I cried. God was good, and within a week or so, I had embraced the idea, and was coming to terms with the fact that I wasn't out of the woods yet. I actually had begun to look forward to the arrival of another child. But one morning I woke up to a very crampy feeling, and started to spot. Waves of guilt and regret washed over me as I prayed for God to save our little baby. But, for reasons known only to him, we lost our 6th baby. As time went by, I was grieving and feeling the need to have another child. We waited for the green light from our Doctor, and started trying for another baby. We soon conceived, and Megan was on her way! To have another daughter was the icing on the cake!

Megan is quiet, and shy. She has a great sense of humor, and loves to laugh. She is a great writer, and aspires to be an Author. She is currently working on her first novel. She likes mystery and suspense and loves to solve "who dunnits". She has a sweet faith, and desire for God. She likes chocolate, and food in general. She's tenderhearted, and is kind to others, especially those she feels are mistreated. She enjoys time with her sisters, and loves when they include her in their craziness. Megan is a gift from God. We are thankful to God for the blessing she is, and trust he has wonderful plans for our Meggie.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Meet My Kids Part 5

5th Born: Taylor John
August 8th, 1992

Well, lucky for Andrew who, as I recall, was really rooting for a brother, our 5th was another son. I really thought Taylor was going to be my last baby. So, I thought long and hard about what to name him. We didn't know if we were expecting a boy or a girl, but I was hoping for a boy to round out our family. We picked the name Taylor, because Shawn and I agreed on it! We decided that if we had a girl we could still name her Taylor. Taylor's middle name is John for his paternal grand father. Taylor was always a sweet little boy. He loved the Power Rangers, and had all their moves down nicely! He liked to go for walks, and once when he came back from a walk with the neighbors, he brought me some rocks. I made such a big deal about it that he must have thought that I loved getting rocks! From then on, whenever he went on a walk, he would bring me rocks. I made a jar with a sign that reads, "Worldly travels, little walks. I always bring my Mom some rocks". The jar is full.

As Taylor has grown, he has developed a great sense of humor! He keeps us all laughing! He is good at just about everything he tries. He's athletic, and has a sensitive, musical side. He sings. and plays guitar, and a little drums. He is compassionate and sensitive to the Spirit of God. I know that he has many dreams, and am excited to see how he will be used by God as he chooses to be led by Him.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Meet My Kids Part 4

4th Born: Kimberly Joann
February 6th 1989

Our fourth child was another girl. Poor Andrew! I however, was thrilled, and wanted a baby girl really bad. I had picked out a girls name only. I loved the name Tessa, it means the fourth, so I thought it was perfect. Shawn and I went around and around about baby names. His taste is so different than mine. We had to come up with something we could agree on. I don't think he ever liked the name so we continued to look for a compromise. And so Kimberly it was!

Kim was a beautiful baby, and a really cute little girl. She was always quiet and shy with people. Unless they were her family. With us she had a reputation for being quite LOUD! (She still is! Shhh!) She loves hanging out with "The Sisters" and they laugh and get loud, and have way too much fun together. They have been known to get a little crazy, and we have some pictures and videos to prove it! She is very loyal to her family, and jumps to the defense of any of them she feels are threatened. She is shy, but sure of her convictions, and has a deep faith in God. I admire her tenacity, her purity, and her desire to do what pleases God. She is seeking a career path, and has recently earned a certificate in Business Administration, which she may use as she continues with her education. She volunteers with our church youth group, and I think she really has no idea just how much she has to offer teen girls. She is a good role model, mentor, and example of a young life lived in faith. She is a lovely young woman, all and more than I prayed for her to be. I know as she continues to look to God he will direct her path. I am excited at the thought of all the possibilities: school, career, marriage, family, all or none of the above, I know God has a good plan for our little Kimmy JoNan!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Meet My Kids Part 3

3rd Born: Andrew Michael
June 4th 1986

Throughout my pregnancy with Andrew, I was convinced I was having a baby girl. So much so, that I picked out a girls name (Erin), and told my husband if we had a boy he could name him! I was not disappointed with my baby boy, and his name grew on me. Andrew was a very rambunctious little boy. He climbed on everything, and ran everywhere. Or, as my Grams would say, "what he was not into, he was on top of!" He was all boy. When he was three or four he wanted a bible like his dads for his very own. We gave him a used copy we got from somewhere, and he called it his Word-a-God. He carried it around, and even slept with it under his pillow! Guess I shouldn't be the least bit shocked over his desire to go into ministry! He is newly married to Jenna, and they have a new baby... dog. He enjoys music, and plays the guitar. He has even written a few songs. One of which we sing in church. He loves technology, and I call on him for all my computer questions. He loves Star Wars Legos, and collects them. He likes origami and he used to spend his money on paper and books on the craft. He's a bit of a nerd! He has a great sense of humor. He just started his first official ministry position as Youth pastor for an Arabic congregation. He is currently in school, and carries a 4.0. He has a love for God's word to this day, and a strong desire to serve Him. I am so proud of this young man of God!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Meet My Kids Part 2

Second born: Alison Danel
March 24th 1984

My second child was another little girl. I remember how happy I was to have two girls, and more than that, happy they had each other. Sisters! Something I didn't experience growing up. I loved to fix their hair and dress them alike. Alison was such a cute little girl! Blond hair, blue eyes, adorable! Alison grew up with some of the same parenting no-no's that Leslie received. She too, was raised with parents who had no clue whatsoever what they were doing. In spite of it, she grew to be her own person. A wife and mother of two, she is organized, and works hard at keeping a home, and caring for her family. She too enjoys crafty things, and is creative. She enjoys laughter. You wouldn't know by looking at her, but she is a big fan of Little House on the Prairie. (She wants to marry Charles Ingalls) I admire her perseverance, and desire for change. She feels deeply, and desires to help others. She is giving. I look forward with joy, to see how her life brings glory to God!

Meet My Kids

I have been feeling the need to brag about my kids. I know, I know, it can be a little annoying to listen to a proud mother go on and on about her children. But that's why I thought it would be appropriate to brag here. If it gets annoying, just stop reading, right? Seriously, I named my blog Lorna's Happy Place, because I thought of that saying, "I'm going to my happy place" my profile picture is me driving, like I'm literally going to my happy place. Here, it's about what makes me happy...which according to all I've written so far, is cheer leading, and banana bars! So, I have been a mother for 28 years. I have been home with my kids. I've had some pretty interesting times raising them. One thing for sure, NEVER a dull moment! They are what I did with my life. While I tried to be a good mom, I fell way short, lots of times. And while they are not perfect people, they ARE perfect children. They are mine. So, here they are. One at a time. My babies.

First born, Leslie Amber
Born July 2nd 1981

Poor Leslie! She was the first born and therefore the child rearing Guinea pig! She had to endure all of our parenting mistakes! She was spanked (with the rod), grounded, and timed out, and none of it consistently! She was the oldest of 6. She babysat, diapered, fed, dressed, and entertained all her brothers and sisters! (sounds like I didn't do anything!) She was a good big sister, and a good mommy's helper. I should have known she'd be such a good Mommy herself! She has been married now for eight years. They have two boys, Ayden, and Trace. She has a home and family all her own, but she's still my baby Les. She has a heart that is sensitive to the things of God, and longs for Him to direct her path. She is creative, and artistic. She enjoys scrapbooking, card making, baking, and cooking. She loves horses, and other animals. She always has! She leads a Moms group at her church and likes to read. She is beautiful, and a talented writer. She's a good wife, and mom, and takes good care of her family. She does all of it without knowing how well she's doing it. I love the woman she has become.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Yummy Treat

One of my dearest, sweetest friends, (you know who you are, Susan!)
asked me to post this recipe for Frosted Banana Bars. Try them, you'll like them!


1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened
2 cups sugar
3 eggs
1 1/2 cups mashed ripe bananas (about 3 medium)
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
Pinch of salt


1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened
1 (8 oz) package cream cheese, softened
4 cups powdered sugar
2 tsp vanilla

In a mixing bowl, cream butter and sugar. Beat in eggs, bananas and vanilla. Combine the flour, baking soda and salt; add to creamed mixture and mix well. Pour into a greased 15 x 10 x1 baking pan (cookie sheet with lip). Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes or until bars test done. Cool. For frosting, cream butter and cream cheese in a mixing bowl. Gradually add powdered sugar and vanilla; beat well. Spread over bars. Yield: 3 dozen.

NOTE: I used a 15x10x2 glass baking dish. It worked fine.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Something to Cheer About!

Today I saw a picture of some girls I went to Jr. High School with. They were not my friends, we barely spoke. But these girls had a huge impact on my teen life. They were the CHEERLEADERS! It's funny that I can't remember having a conversation with one of them, but, I remembered what they looked like. I can still see their tanned, well shaped legs sticking out of their crisp skirts. I can even remember some of their names.They were so peppy, so popular, so beautiful. Oh how I hated them. Oh how I wanted to be them!
I was perusing some pictures of an old friend on facebook, and there they were! Just like I remembered them! It got me thinking about what an impression they had made on me.
I spend a lot of time thinking about things that some people might not give a second thought to. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I want God to teach me, so I search for the truth in things. I take the everyday things, and sift over them, and over them, to find the nugget of truth. I want to know Him!
So, what does hating Cheerleaders have to do with knowing God? Very little probably. But I think I see that I didn't hate them, or I wouldn't have wanted to be one of them. I tried out for the cheerleading squad in the 8th grade. I didn't make it. They were the ideal, and I couldn't make myself good enough to be one of them. That's what I hated.
Reminds me of a scripture : Romans 7:18b "For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannnot carry it out." This struggle within himself caused Paul to say in verse 24 of the same chapter, "Oh, wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death!" There is a struggle that goes on within us to be good. But there is nothing in us that can do it! We are powerless. I can't make myself obey the ideals of God contained in the law, any more than I could have made myself more coordinated, or beautiful, or shapely. I was powerless.
Thankfully, Paul answers his own question about his powerlessness and ours when he says,"Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord!" Through Christ, we have the victory over our inability!
See what God can teach you from an old picture! He's so good! (I could lead that cheer!)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

True Confessions

Okay, no one is allowed to laugh. I actually had to look up the word blog! I know a few people who have one. I read, and even follow some, but I didn't really know what the word meant. So, I guess I'm keeping an online journal, or diary of sorts. COOL! Short for weblog. Did I hear a DUH!? Turns out is a girls best friend! I use it all the time. I'm not exactly a word whiz. I can barely spell! So, my blog will be a learning experience for me. If you stop by, thank you for your patience. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks?

Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy Grandpa's Day, Debbie

This is just a "Happy Birthday" to my dear friend Debbie Sue.
Funny story:
When Debbie was little her Mom told her that her birthday was on Ground Hogs Day. Having absolutely no idea what a Ground Hog was, she reasoned her Mother was saying "Grandpa's Day". She was excited when a little friend wished her happy birthday, to share with her that her birthday was on "Grandpa's Day". The friend explained: it's not Grandpa's Day, it's Ground Hogs day! That didn't sound nearly as nice. =(
Debbie is the kind of friend that I could tell lot's of fun stories about. Remind me to tell the one about Senator Atkins!

Cut Me Some Slack. I'm New!

In case anyone is wondering, I have absolutely NO CLUE what I am doing! I do like to write. and thought this could be fun. If I don't get too overwhelmed by the technology of it all!

I hope to write from time to time, about my experiences, family, and things I feel God is teaching me